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Legacy and impact – we clarify the concepts.

A woman and two men walking up a the stairs in cheerful discussion.A woman and two men walking up a the stairs in cheerful discussion.

A conference doesn’t end when the final item on the agenda is concluded. A well-planned conference can continue to generate societal benefits in both the short and long term, and two terms that are increasingly heard are “legacy” and “impact”.

We clarify the concepts and assist you in creating meetings that yield long-term and enduring effects.

What do impact and legacy mean?

Legacy refers to creating lasting value, something that continues to influence both individuals and society over a long period.

Impact refers to the measurable effect that a conference has on participants and society at large. This can include everything from knowledge dissemination and networking to changes in attitudes and behaviors.

A concrete example to illustrate:

A) ‘A new bicycle path was constructed in the city.’ This pertains to legacy, representing lasting value.

B) ‘The safety for cyclists was enhanced.’ This pertains to impact, signifying a change over time.

What are the benefits of legacy and impact?

Actively striving to generate legacy and impact yields advantages on multiple levels.

Benefits for your organization/company:

• A well-planned conference that aims to create legacy and impact strengthens your brand.

• By providing participants with a meaningful and memorable experience, you lay the foundation for loyalty and long-term relationships.

• Conferences that generate legacy provide long-term positive exposure, which can attract partners, sponsors, and other stakeholders.

Benefits for the research field/industry:

• Legacy conferences provide a platform for intensive knowledge exchange and stimulate innovation work.

• The network structure formed enhances collaboration opportunities and can contribute to joint research and development.

• Legacy and impact-focused conferences drive the industry forward and often set a high standard for both quality and content.

Benefits for society at large:

• Legacy conferences contribute to the dissemination of knowledge, which in turn can increase awareness and understanding of current topics and research areas.

• A legacy conference can also have a social impact and contribute to increased diversity and inclusion.

• By taking into account the local needs of the host destination, the conference can create increased societal value on-site.

3 concrete tips for creating legacy and impact:

1. Define clear goals for the conference, both short-term and long-term.

2. Foster participation and collaboration. Engage attendees before, during, and after the meeting through interactive exercises, discussions, and networking events.

3. Utilize smart technological solutions. By leveraging livestreaming and interactive platforms, the conference’s reach and long-term impact are expanded.

Here’s how we can assist you:

At East Sweden Convention Bureau, we have extensive experience in organizing meetings, conferences, and congresses, and we know what it takes to create long-term and lasting impacts. We assist you every step of the way.

Analysis and goal Setting

Together, we define the current situation and formulate clear objectives. For the project to be truly successful, it’s important that the organizer’s vision aligns with the specific needs and challenges of the host destination.

Planning and Execution

We support your internal planning team. Our staff provide concrete advice on how to foster engagement during, before, and after the meeting, and how to achieve significant reach.

Evaluation and Dissemination

We assist you in evaluating the outcome, both in the short and long term. Long-term societal impacts can be challenging to measure, making continuous monitoring especially important.

“In Sweden, ‘legacy’ and ‘impact’ are relatively new terms…

…but in many countries, these concepts have been addressed for a longer period and the long-term positive effects that meetings can generate have been observed. With the right strategic thinking and planning, we can ensure that your conference creates many positive ripple effects long after the meeting has concluded.”
Jenny Ökvist Irwin